12 Jan 6 Secrets To Help Your Child Excel in School
A positive school experience involves more than just grades. Your child should learn efficiently, remember information, think critically, ask questions, and develop a sense of competence. Here are some pointers to help your child get off to the right start and maintain a positive attitude and momentum throughout the academic year.

1. Promote Good Study Habits
Ask your children to describe their ideal homework schedule. Help them in developing that vision. Some children may need a break after school to release their pent-up energy, while others may prefer to finish their homework before engaging in free play. Let them pick the location as well. Simply because you planned your home with a central study area in mind doesn’t guarantee it’s their preferred location.
Children imitate our behaviour, not what we say. Therefore, allow your child to observe you working in a distraction-free environment that encourages focus.
2. Self-advocacy
Children are encouraged to speak up, communicate their needs to adults, and speak up to individuals who are not treating them fairly. A child’s sense of self-efficacy, or the knowledge that they have the ability to control and change their behaviour, motivation, and environment, is largely developed through self-advocacy.
Encourage your kids to discuss issues with their teachers and go over possible solutions. If a child is worried about the conversation, you can write scripts or have them role-play. Acting out the conversation until your child is at ease can be a fun way to calm anxiety.
If children are facing particularly stressful challenges due to bullying, special education needs, or mental health issues, school counsellors are a parent’s best ally.
3. Read More

Perhaps the most important element of learning is reading. Find topics that interest your child and encourage them to read frequently. This kind of concentration enables them to reflect more deeply on whatever subject the story addresses and to come to their own conclusions. We encounter various ideologies and worldviews through reading. Despite not experiencing it first-hand, reading from another person’s point of view or seeing something through their eyes fosters empathy. Empathy is a quality that schools must encourage because it helps students comprehend both themselves and others on a deeper level.
4. Decision-making
As parents, we want to protect our kids, but helicopter or controlling parenting work against a kid’s development. Making wise decisions requires practice, and experiences are the only source of that practice.
Don’t compel them to follow your advice, but choose to guide them. Kids tend to lose motivation if they aren’t allowed to make their own decisions. A child needs the freedom to make their own decisions to be self-motivated to learn and succeed.
5. Be Involved
Have daily conversations with your child about school and life in general. Identify their strengths and interests with your child, and foster their creativity.
Young children may be coerced into doing their homework by using rewards and punishment. However, if they dislike learning or going to school, they won’t do well.
Share your beliefs about the value of education with your children to help them develop intrinsic motivation. Learning and attending classes shouldn’t just be about getting As. It’s about learning new things and developing personally. Children are intrinsically motivated, so work to inspire your child to learn and enjoy it.
6. Achieve Balance

Lead by example of a lifestyle that prioritises a healthy diet, exercise, and restful sleep. Educate your child on the benefits of sports, hobbies, and other interests. You can only give your full attention, care, and support when you’re in good health. A child is inevitably guided to academic success and lifelong learning if these important practices are integrated into family life. Through such activities, parents, educators, and others foster curiosity, wonder, and joy in children. We also support our kids in living fulfilling lives.
We at NASCANS strive to give students a “oasis between school and home.” Our in-house research and development team creates our distinctive programmes, which is broadly divided into the following 4 categories: homework supervision, character education, enrichment, and outdoor activities.